
I'm from upstate NY.  Well not upstate like Albany, but if you're not from NYC and from NYS everyone in NYC says it's upstate.

Since childhood, my family and I would go to the Palisades mall. It was one of our go to shopping areas outside of Garden State Mall or in CT. Within the food court of the Palisade's Mall, Wendy, the character used for Wendy's fast food chain was brown.  You're thinking now, "ok Brooke is delusional". I get it, that is always the reaction that people would say when I would say she's brown. Like how is Wendy a brown woman with red hair used as a symbol within a national mall's eatery? I don't have the answer, just know that she was. Wendy has always been a brown woman in the Palisades mall.

A little backstory, on our second date a little over 10 years now, Orande and I went to the Palisades mall and saw our first movie together "The Pursuit of Happyness" (if you haven't ever seen this movie please do it for your own well being, it's amazing). Back then I had been telling him how Wendy was a brown woman in that mall, he would laugh and be like "What? That's crazy". But it all changed on that date when he saw it for himself. So now I had a witness outside of my family that I wasn't crazy.

Recently as in, a few weeks ago, Orande and I went to the Palisade's mall to go to the movies with our friends Eric and Tasha. Note on the current AMC theater there: they have PLUSH RECLINING LEATHER SEATS! Orande and I were acting like we've never seen a reclining chair. It was amazing & we will go back there just to sit in seats like that. The lux movie life --- any way back to the actual story. When we got to the mall with our friends my mission was clear: find brown Wendy and show her to our friends. Well I found her and she was white. I don't know how that even happened! For more than 30 years she had always been brown, now in 2017 she's white?! I blame everything on #45. I say she would still be brown if it wasn't for him, who would think to change her from being brown to white? Leave her to be brown and happy!

I was upset because I wanted to show more people that this unicorn of a Wendy was real. I wish I could find a picture I took of her when she was a brown woman. It's ok though, I know it and so do thousands of people who have seen her. Just goes to show that if mermaids are real, so is African American Wendy.


The original brown turned white Wendy.