
Brook vs. Brooke

Recently myself and one of my best friends, Hazel, went to Utah for some fun outdoor adventures such as ATV’s, mountain biking and hiking. We were celebrating her birthday weekend and it was so much fun to be there with her since she's my most adventurous friend.

During the hike through beautiful Bryce Canyon, we had to jump over a brook to get to the other side. Hazel and our hike guide had no issue and jumped over an area that was wide and rocky within seconds. Our hike guide wanted me to jump over a lower part like Hazel did, but it was way too wide and rocky for me. I didn't think I would've made it safely. So I walked a few feet down and decided to go that route.  I felt more confident and that it would be a better situation for me to jump. Our hike guide kept shouting to me, “Jump! Jump!".  Scared as hell I’d break something I allowed my mind to go blank and prayed. I jumped and made it with no injuries and only one wet foot!

Basically I had to get over myself to get somewhere. Interesting thought right? A life lesson learned.  I had to get out of my own way and bring up the confidence and strength I already possessed.  Weird how quickly our confidence can diminish if we let it, especially when we have power over it. I couldn't follow their path to the other side, I had to find my own that was comfortable for me. Sometimes in life we can all get caught up on what other people can do, what they have or where they are, and it can make you feel stuck in your situation. But you're not stuck, you're just in your own way, so move!


Me trying to look nonchalant on these rocks.